What makes people be so afraid to say "I love you" Does love itself create a certain fear, that becomes bigger at the same time that love becomes bigger as well?

How can we humans be so mistaken, so blind in front of Love?

It's like the tree that lets a fruit grow with an incredible beauty. More than the other fruits in that tree, and yet the fruit cannot say for sure all its beauty comes from itself, it must come from the tree, the tree gives to the fruit its sap, and the fruit is happy but then is happier until it feels a strong love for the tree. But... Was the tree aware of all he was giving to the fruit? or was it on purpose? or was just unaware? So the fruit doesn't know what to think and the love it feels for the tree maybe is only his, and the doubts don't let it think, while the tree is afraid to tell the fruit his love. And life goes on until the fruit falls down the tree and is taken away by a child to his home. And never again the tree and the fruit will talk, no conversations anymore, and they will never know what the other felt. Love was so deep that it looked like an abyss. Fear took the place of love instead.



Whatever God created was it with a purpose. The moon now is half, when I look at it my impressions are not the same than when it is full. When it is full, my heart is exhalted with a passion that can be resumed in a song or a scream of happiness; now it's half and I feel a peace of heart calming and soothening all my senses. There is a meaning for it, God makes us exhalted and other times paceful. It is God's will. Now it's the time for reflexion.

Oh my God, how much I feel you in everything! The unknown sounds are a part of You, and I would like to be them just for You.

God, my heart is beating for You but when I feel human's love my feelings towards You become more precise. You created Love, the element that makes us aware of the good. My love for You is so little but so big in my heart. I love everything You created, even the creatures I am scared of. I think it is because I respected them. Heavens hold the hidden truth. What would I give to be able to see them, feel them deeply in my heart. Sometimes I feel that my body is nothing but a prison holding my soul. Only You God know the reason of things. The mist is hiding the moon, but I feel it in my heart; only You can make it possible for us to admire the universe, so endless in Your creative light, the colors, the senses. My soul belongs to You and vibrates for You. Humans hurt it so much that at times I wish I were only where I could feel You only. But I continue walking this path of pain and pleasure, knowing that only this way I will be able to reach You with tears of happiness.

The silence at dawn fills me with peace and serentity. You only can give me such moments. Only You, Creator, the Sublime Idea that realizes everything. I close my eyes to see You, Rabbina. Dawn comes up again, thanks to You. And the moon can be seen anew, the paceful moon, the big eyedrop crystalizing such Idea.

July 2002



The things God created around the Earth are so perfect. The shapes of the planets and the wings of the birds, they are perfect, in harmony with the rest of other things. The wings are in harmony with the air, sometimes the birds will just fly to experiment the sweet feeling of playing with the air. And the fish with the water. They will dance just to feel that the element they live in is in harmony with their nature. Our element is which one in fact? We walk on the earth and breathe the air, and make fire and drink water. We need the four elements to survive but which one is the most important for us? Is it the earth? without it, we would drop by our bodies to the emptiness, or would be propulsed towards the void. But then, we are like the rest of the animals on the earth. What makes us different? This elelement called "counciousness", "intellect", we do possess it, we can feel it, we are those who can feel physically and emotionaly. Or is our real element our capacity to "create". Is it "imagination" the element that makes us live on this earth?. Going towards the line of endless feelings of happiness and pain? We try everyday to cope between these two sides. Sometimes we feel we are in harmony with our mind our spirit. Sometimes we feel we are not. But even though, isn't it as well our chaos perfect in its nature? A perfect chaos, we use to say sometimes.

I think the element is our soul. Without it we could not live, we would be walking death. But our soul is our element, and like the air, it cannot be seen with our eyes. This etheric element, so subtle it can't be touched. But so strong it can be felt and perceived. The more sensitive we are, the more we willuse our soul as an element of life and the more we will feel it in us and within the others. We live our lives according to the element in our nature that we use most. Our intellect, taken by the hand of the soul can reach beyond the stars. Our intellect taken by the hand of the mind only can survive, but not create, just realize.



"Do fall in love,
otherwise the world will come to an end
with you still have not learned
the purpose of existence'

Jalil Rassouli, The Soul of the Souls

Poema Sufi

Me gusta, en las mañanas claras,subirme a los abismos; y, con paso lento,descender hasta las montañas. Tocar lo que no se ve; ver lo que no se toca. Sentir un respiro dentro, un respiro ajeno a mi respirar. Permanecer callada esperando que la sombra cubra mi estancia; aquella sombra se torna forma y me lleva hacia la luz.
Luz que no ciega, oscuridad que no empaña la vista. Al sentir que todo va al revés, todo entonces tiene un sentido.
Y mi miedo pasa, mi voz se acalla trayendo en su lugar palabras nuevas, sonidos que parecen ríos, que parecen mantos de semi penumbra. Y me quedo quieta, escuchando, sin saber dónde estoy, ni querer saberlo.
A veces, en las noches oscuras, veo el clarear de una estrella, y entonces recuerdo que el abismo está arriba, y la montaña, abajo.Mi espejo se torna mi yo y Tú lo vas sosteniendo, entre lienzos de cristal, para que nada lo empañe, sinó Tu mano, la que recoje en uno abismos y montañas, la que ciertamente recoge en un símbolo todas las palabras, todas las noches y los días que vivíy que ya no vivo.
Si pensar es existir, a veces, pienso que nunca existí o que morir es darme la vida. Pero es entonces cuando quizás es cuando realmente existo. En los brazos de lo ajeno, olvidándome de mi alma, permanezco viva, pues ya no me acuerdo de mí.Y sólo te veo a Tí.

Septiembre 25, 2002


Sufismo. Historia - Ordenes - Metodos


"Cuando el sol se va, veo una luz más clara que antes; es la luz de mi alma que parece que se enciende, y sin embargo no estaba apagada. llega el tiempo de un silencio lleno de mil palabras; palabras que intentan decribir la perfección de Tu nombre. Palabras que intento decirte en mis plegarias. Son sencillas; sin embargo, ante Tí me cuesta pronunciarlas, pues Tú eres mi más grande Maestro, y el único que realmente me enseña. Mis palabras susurradas son como un río brillante y cristalino; te describen, pero no te definen completamente, pues eres único y tu verdadero nombre está en una sola palabra: Allah.

Y las palabras, como el río límpido que lleva tu brillo llegan al mar, que es mi propia esencia, y entonces se encuentran en algo infinito: la plabra única, como un océano. Soy para Tí y por Tí vivo. Soy tuya y por Tí Soy.

En Tu nombre recitaré las palabras que aprendí, el río límpido que lleva Tu brillo, Señor"
19 de agosto de 2002


Thank You

The sweetest words to my God,
the bright pupils in the eyes of my soul.
I want to reach You,
yet I feel You take my hand.
I want to honour You,
yet You please my intentions.
I want to deserve You,
yet You show me always a bright way.
I want,
yet You give.
I should have to try seeing You,
but I am not prepared yet.
Even though I feel somehow I am near you,
my God.
Thank You for being here,
or for letting me go to You.

Maryam, 18.08.2002




The Endless sees everything,
registers everything.
My hands raise up in adoration
towards Allah,
I beg Allah to give me Time;
Time for me to get closer,
Time to give Allah my trembling eyelids within my weeping;
Time to give Allah my tears, my most precious jewels;
Time to see once again my peaceful face, my deep disqueting eyes.
I ask Allah Time to get out from myself and go towards Rabbina
without hurry, without torments.
The Endless that sees everything
and registers everything
has a gathered Time
on a paper that still is being written.
And my fervor makes that Time continues giving more paper
to my heart.
Maryam , 8 August, 2002


El Infinito todo lo ve,
lo registra todo.
Mis manos se elevan en adoracion
hacia Allah.
Le ruego que me de Tiempo.
Tiempo para acercarme mas.
Tiempo para ofrecerle mis parpados temblando en llanto.
Tiempo para ofrecerle mis lagrimas, mis mas preciosas joyaas.
Tiempo para ver una y otra vez mi rostro sosegado,
mi mirada profunda, inquietante.
Le pido a Allah Tiempo para salir de mi e ir hacia Allah.
Sin prisas ni tormentos.
El Infinito que todo lo ve
y todo lo registra
tiene mi Tiempo recogido en un papel que todavia se escribe.
Y mi fervor hace que el Infinito siga dando mas papel
a mi Corazon.
Maryam, 9 de Agosto de 2002

Sufi women

In the life of Ibn 'Arabi (English)


Le mot (French)


The first muslim woman (English)

Women of Sufism

A Hidden Path (English)


I have taken again the book I used to have so close to me always...

Every night I said aloud one, two, three times these words and every day I added one. I had this notebook with butterflies on its cover, with a black background, very flower power colors and I wrote the words every night in subtle lines with a very dedicated calligraphy. I remember I said them aloud then I wrote them. My preferred words were of course tasawwuf, inaba, sabr (es-sabre gameel), shukr ( I had a lot for you), zuhd (so difficult to attain), tawakkul (this was the one I took more easily), mahabba ( it meant everything to me, my steps into the deepness of my faith, for example; but also life in general and especially its mysteries). I had many reasons for wishing to study these words, its meanings and lessons on sufism , like the difficult "rissala min al-qushayri" . I used to stay late and then I realized it was almost two in the morning. I had to continue with my work as well. But it was such a wonderful contemplation of the soul to read the wise people and all their teachings. Those sentences I had to read again and again to better understand and each time I loved more. And this book I bought it in the streets, in a very popular place where people sell books. As I said it was always close to me.



The marriage of Fatima and 'Ali, although inspired by the Angel Gabriel, also, like many marriages, had its vicissitudes...
One day when fatima and 'Ali were at odds with each other, Muhammad came to visit them. It is said that he lay down between them and had each of them place a hand on his belly. He told them to breathe with him and to remain together in that position until peace came to both of them. Sometime later he left their hut, smiling broadly. A companion who witnessed the difference in his countenance from when he had entered questioned him as to why he was now smiling. He responded that he was now smiling because the two people most beloved by him were now at peace.
I understand how much a person's love for another can make do things like this. I am this way but I would like to loose fear that when I do this, some of the persons in questions, or both of them refuse to touch their hands . Many times they can take it as "this is none of your business" but I still want it to happen. So, by doing good, I can be taken even as a dictator, as someone who interferes also in other people's lives. But what if I DO MIND? This happened with my brother and here people always say: this is his life, he is /she is adult and they do what they want with their lives. My question is, don't you think that sometimes, just sometimes, adults need to feel like children and let a hand guide them out of arrogance? Why adults refuse to feel the child inside and the need of feeling helped by someone ?


O dear one, listen! I am the reality of the world, the center of the
circle. I am the parts and the whole. I am the will holding Heaven
and Earth in place. I have given you sight only so you may see me.
0 dear one! I call again and again but you do not hear me, I appear
again and again but you do not see me, I fill myself with fragrance,
again and again, but you do not smell me. I become savory food yet
you do not taste me. Why can't you reach me through your touch Or
breathe me in through your sweet perfumes?
Love me, Love yourself in me. No one is deeper within you than I.
Others may love you for their own sake, But I love you for yourself.
Dear one! This bargain is not fair. If you take one step toward me, It
is only because I have taken a hundred toward you. I am closer to
you than yourself. Closer than your soul, than your own breath. Why
do you not see me? Why do you not hear me? I
am so jealous. I want you to see me-and no one else.
To hear me-and no one else, not even yourself
Dear one! Come with me. Let us go to Paradise together. And if we
find any road that leads to separation, We will destroy that road. Let
us go hand in hand In the presence of Love. Let it be our witness,
Let it forever seal this wondrous union of ours.

sufi blog

Hello. Tassawuf Blog

I am glad I found this place to write my inner thoughts. It will be my tasawuf blog. I want to make it feel a realm. It's ok for me if I don't get any comments. But if I do, they will be most welcome.
I will write here the things that I have found in my life and those that have made me be more myself. And free.
I am not a sufi as they are seen today. I am a sufi in my heart like the elder ones. In fact, I am not YET a sufi. I wish I were! But I follow my path with serenity and freedom of soul and of thought.