Symposium in Damascus about the figure of Ibn' Arabi
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 By Maryam

The international symposium on sufism ends next Friday in Damascus and has noted that its significance come from the universality of Ibn Arabi who connected between cultures to later have great affect on western thought.
Director of the French Institute forear East Studies and head of the Spanish cultural center of Cervantes in Damascus stressed in their interposing that "the symposium importance comes from the internationality of Ibn Arabi as a Sufi, poet and philosopher, as well as a wise man who is considered one of the great teachers of spirituality for humanity." "Ibn Arabi was capable of joining the Spanish and Arabic cultures as well as to leave the most effective impact in the development of the western thought later on," they said.
Minister of Culture, Mahmoud al-Sayyed pointed out that humanity was in dear need to the high values of Ibn Arabi embodied in fraternity, amity and cordiality.
"The effect of Ibn Arabi is not restricted to the Arab culture, but rather to the Iranian and Indian cultures in addition to Asia, North Africa and Europe," he said.
The gathering will count with the participation of Arab and foreign intellectuals.
Ibn Arabi has born in Andlous of Spain in 1165 and lived a life full of production during which he wrote more than 400 letters and books on the unification of the existence and divine love. He died in Damascus and was over 75.
Source: Arab News
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