Thursday, March 27, 2025

Art in Sufism

This is a breathtaking water color painting made by S. a. Noori. An article about a recent exhibition in Islamabad covers the spirituality that lives in them:


Noory’s work is nuanced with Sufism- white bearded men in trance, holding the Quran. Perhaps the most intriguing piece is a painting of a tall, bearded man with his hand outstretched upwards holding onto a rope as he looks serenely towards the sand. The rope goes straight into the sky and out of the painting where the viewer is left wondering where the other end of the rope must be.
You can read the complete article here.

18 comment (s):

  1. Robert W said...

    Dear Maryam,

    Thank you for sharing this. Beautiful art.

    Kindest wishes,


  2. khan said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. khan said...

    thoughts create the world .very nice

  4. Green Rudder said...

    Excellent Art here ! Really I'm totally surprised to see this Art in Sufism. It’s looking so beautiful.

  5. Swati Pathak said...

    Awesome art work.
    Really! it's a very knowledgeable post for artists.
    Thanx for posting this Maryam.

  6. Swati Pathak said...

    Awesome art work.
    Really! it's a very knowledgeable post for artists.
    Thanx for posting this Maryam.

  7. Maryam said...

    Dear Mo'in, thank you for your words. Love in so many shapes.

  8. Maryam said...

    khan, blessings and thanks!

  9. Maryam said...

    Green Rudder, thanks for your comment. It is amazing and beautiful, yes.

  10. Maryam said...

    Swati, thank you for commenting and many blessings.

  11. Anonymous said...

    bhot bhot khub.....
    ye painting aap me tasswur kar ke ba nayi he.....
    MASAALLAH ......
    khuda khus rkkhe

  12. IT Support Manchester said...

    So beautiful , this is a art , fantastic..............

  13. Fayaz said...

    One word, amazing.

  14. Aardiel said...

    Bery nice

  15. Aardiel said...

    Bery nice

  16. Unknown said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  17. Nadia said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  18. Maryam said...

    Yes, always keeping the name of the artist S.A. Noori :)

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