Wednesday, March 26, 2025

I wish...

I really wish I was able to write more, in fact.. Write! I haven't done it since... a year, perhaps? Yet I have things to share, as I have been traveling inside and outside. But I really don't know where to start with, as things don't seem as easy. Struggle, I am thankful for it, Love, Thank you for it, new horizons, excitement and wonder, but really looking forward to the beginning of this quest.

3 comment (s):

  1. Mo'in said...

    Salaams to you Dear Maryam,

    Thank you for writing this :).

    Kindest wishes,


  2. Maryam said...

    Thanks for your wishes, My Best Wished to you, thanks for following this blog, although silent but not in heart. Thanks Mo'in

  3. Sufi said...

    There is something inside you who is pushing you so hard to speak more out loud, to say something you never said, but you press it, hide it from outside world so people won't know about it you scared what it is? Unheard Voice, Unseen Shadow Sometime there is lot to hear, you stop speaking and start listening there are millions sounds around you just pay attention and you will find a New Word

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