Thursday, March 27, 2025

The Shadow of your Soul

Where is the shadow of your soul?
It rests silent among the chaos;
it looks for a sparkle of light to be gone;
suddenly, a myriad of joy reflects upon your soul, dismissing the echoes of terrible nights, wondering, wandering, for the perfect flower, the perfect bird, the perfect love.
The shadow awaits, in silence, until you give to your soul the delicious tears, the miracle of tasting the bitterness with joy.
Then, it goes away, waiting to return, to be sheltered in your heart’s lap, until you understand that it is what makes you desire the Light of Lights. Until you understand it is a companion you are aware of, forever in your path.
Do not ignore it, just embrace it. Like the child who has no mother, transform the sadness into laughter, into Love. Do not ignore what is giving you the Desire to attain  True Love. After all, it is also a guide, a silent guide that brings you to the contrary way, the way you follow when you Love. Be always thankful to the wrong things that happen in your life, because they are the key to your inner strength. The shadow of your soul follows you, no matter what.


6 comment (s):

  1. Mo'in said...

    Dear Maryam,

    Thank you very much for this poem. It comes at a good time, when remembering that pain has value to bring us home.

    Kindest wishes,


  2. Tasawwuf - Islamic Tradition said...

    The sun is far away
    It goes in circles
    Someone dies
    Someone lives
    In pain
    It is burning
    Into the thin air
    Of the nature
    Of a culture
    On the dark side
    Under the moon
    The wolves gather

  3. uzma said...

    This is beautiful. The shadow troubles me so, and I wished today that I knew how to deal with it, but your beautiful poem taught me something today. To embrace the shadow and let it propel me to learn, to be patient and to love. Thank u . God bless

  4. M.K.KHAREEM said...

    Where is the shadow of your soul?

    is it reflect in my thoughts,or in the corridors or heart!

  5. Zahura said...

    It is a very beautiful poem...its make one to rethink about life.

  6. Murfreesboro Drapery said...

    This is a greeat post

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