Thursday, March 27, 2025

Heart, self & soul: the Sufi psychology of growth, balance, and harmony

heart and soul I. The Psychology of Heart, Self, and Soul
II. Opening Your Heart
III. Transforming Your Self
IV. Your Seven Souls
V. Harmonizing Your Seven Souls
VI. The Practices of Sufism: Psychospiritual Therapy
VII. Sheikh and Dervish: Spiritual Guidance in Sufism
VIII. Dropping the Veils


To read the review of this book, you can visit this page.

Book in Google Books

7 comment (s):

  1. Mo'in said...

    Dear Maryam,

    Thank you for sharing this new book here. In reading the review, I was moved with the emphasis upon "falling in love" as being the best spiritual practice.

    Thank you again.

    Kindest wishes,


  2. Maryam said...

    Dear Mo'in,

    Falling in love is what really has most appealled me about Life in general. Falling in love with a person,falling in love with gentleness, with helping others, with Life. Falling in Love with God through people, through the heart, through intuition, through mystery...Feeling drunk from this kind of Love.Falling in love with The Beloved through The Beloved, it is mystical romanticism, and it is pure, emotional, sacred. Thank you!

  3. Mo'in said...

    Dear Maryam,

    Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to keep it, and re-read it often. It's very beautifully expressed.

    Thank you!

    All good wishes,


  4. Youssef said...

    Thanks for sharing. I love what Kathryn says in the review:
    "Everything we fall in love with, be it a person, an image, an idea or a place, is a teacher."

  5. Maryam said...

    Dear Youssef, Yes, I love this also. Thank you.


  6. buy cialis said...

    My brother loves it, I think I'm going to share with, I'm sure an article like this you will love it, thanks for sharing the information?

  7. shweta khanna said...

    Rumi’s poetry melts the heart and inspires the soul to soar higher in ecstasy. It transposes one into the mystical world of the infinite.

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