Wednesday, March 26, 2025


I dance, I am a woman;
I sing, I have a soul;
I spread flowers over our encounter,
and let them fall
over our hearts...

I give you the cup of wine
in whispers
and in sounds of happiness,
in love poems,
and songs that come from heaven.

I sip from this Love
with tears in my eyes,
babbling the name
of the All-Nothing that  sees us, with a smile.

We both are looking for the same;
searching, always searching;
and even if we see...
We still prefer to wonder.

Under the stars I find the Beloved
through my earthly beloved.
You feel paradise
through this love that becomes LOVE.

We are children, we are joy,
we are starting to live the real void
reaching ladders and wings and lights
upon us.

Beloved, you take me to The BELOVED.



10 comment (s):

  1. Tasawwuf - Islamic Tradition said...


    Agradable. Muchas Gracias.


  2. Mo'in said...

    Dear Maryam,

    So lovely...your words. The music, too, is so beautiful. I love this...the earthly beloved being the gate to the Beloved.

    Thank you.

    Good wishes,


  3. Mo'in said...

    Dear Maryam,

    I just read the January 16th post on Sadiq's Inspirations and Creative Thoughts blog. In that article, entitled,"Why there is no monasticism in Islam?," he speaks to human love being a step to Divine Love. It brought to mind your lovely words here as well as your other post where you spoke of falling in love as being a spiritual practice.

    Good wishes,


  4. Maryam said...

    Dear Mo'in,

    I have not yet read his article. I will now.

    I believe and feel it is a step to Divine Love. If not, how could we reach the Divine, if we didn't taste the basic feelings of love, life, joy, hope, giving, embrace, kiss... ? If we don't balance our mind and body and spirit... I think this is my most humble opinion.
    Thank you for your comments always.

  5. Mo'in said...

    Dear Maryam,

    I wholeheartedly agree with you.

    Many thanks for sharing the speech of your heart here.

    All good wishes,


  6. Jivani said...

    beautiful pearl of love.

  7. Fouad Oodian said...

    Salutation Mariam

    Very beautiful Poem, you know only lovers can understand lovers.

  8. Jerry Forman said...


  9. Anonymous said...

    I LOVE this you sum it up so well what i have felt. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Maryam said...

    Thank you, Anonymous, Blessings!

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