Glossary of Sufism 13 and 14:muhasaba wa' (and) l-musharata






Muhasaba wa'l-musharata المحاسبة والمشارطة



“Soul searching” (Muhasaba) consists in blaming oneself for the breathings (anfas) and wasted moments other than to obey God through different ways. It happens at the end of the day, like the coordination (musharata) takes time in the beginning of day, when one says to oneself: “Here is a new starting day which will be a witness against you; try then, Oh my soul, to fill every instant with what takes you closer to God; because, if you had died the day before, you would have been in need of the goodness that you would enjoy today.” It is this way that one addresses to the soul when the nights is gong to start and that is examined the moment when the night ends, this with tenacity until  the Divine presence settles steadily in it. Then, time will gather in the unique moment (yattahid al-waqt), which corresponds to the dip in the vision (shuhud), and there will not be examiner nor punisher. So, as long as the spiritual progression (al sayr) lasts, coordination comes first, soul searching comes last and the watchfulness -prudence (muraqaba) is done in permanence. Once the intention is attained, there is no more soul searching nor coordination.

Translated from Glossaire du Soufisme, by Iban Agibah, edited by A. Saleh Hamdan.




2 comment (s):

  1. Mo'in said...

    Dear Maryam,

    Thank you for sharing this about muhasaba and musharata.

    Kindest wishes,


  2. Maryam said...

    Thanks Dear Mo'in

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