


Caressing me in a whisper,

sounds that I could never hear

or feel.

Nights of thousands stars, brilliant as the Jewel I see from space,

all of them reunited,

in the glimpse of a second,

an image I could never forget….


The calmness came to life,

after the shadows dancing,

YOU embraced my destiny.


Over mountains of silver and sand,

of gold and fresh honey,

I hear the whisper again.


And you Are, the above and beyond,

the last ladder of myriads of ladders,

this child who became a man child

without sorrow, again happy,

again filled with the Truth

and without solitude anymore.


And YOU, whom I thank endlessly

for you took this child and drove him to the Love


In Eternity.





2 comment (s):

  1. Mo'in said...

    Dear Maryam,

    Very beautiful!

    Thank you.

    All good wishes,


  2. Studio Nozi said...

    Great read, thank you.

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