Ute Lemper. Nomad


video_box Nomad is the centerpiece of the new released Ute Lemper’s album “Between Yesterday and Tomorrow”. With this song Ute takes us to the Middle East with reminiscences of the XII Century Sufi poet Ibn Arabi. To listen to this song preview, visit The Press Page and scroll down the music player’s song titles. “Nomad” appears after “Wings of Desire”


A garden among the flames!
My heart can take on any form:
A meadow for gazelles,
A cloister for monks,
For the idols, sacred ground,
Ka'ba for the circling pilgrim,
The tables of the Torah,
The scrolls of the Quran.
My creed is Love;
Wherever its caravan turns along the way,
That is my belief,
My faith. “
- Ibn Arabi


2 comment (s):

  1. Afterwind said...

    Subhanallah, Dear Maryam thanks for sharing these lines of Ibn Arabi

  2. Mo'in said...

    Dear Maryam,

    Thank you for sharing this, as I was not familiar with it. "Nomad" is very nice.

    Kindest wishes,


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