Glossary of Sufism (Introduction)

I will post today the essential words in sufism as I learned from Ibn'Agibah in his French-Arabic book "Glossaire du Soufisme", edited by A. Saleh Hamdan. Of course, in the beginning it seemed quite complex the series of terms and their significancies but it was their difficulty what made me feel more their beauty.
Here are the most essential terms that constantly are used in sufi treatises, studies, conferences and even in poems. I have not included the phonetical accents as this will come later. Just for you to have right now a view of the series of words and expressions in a simple way. As we will learn each time one of these words and its interpretation as well as metaphysical meaning in sufism, the accents will be explained and the way to pronounce each word.
Sometimes the sense of the word, once translated to other languages could vary slightly from the original subtilities inherent in its own meaning and emanation(sometimes word vibrates and follows a natural law along with its meaning) But anyway, it will be very helpful to get used to them, and, little by little, "feel" them in their original language, once every term has been understood and accepted in the soul.

1. tasawwuf
2. tawba
3. inaba
4. khawf
5. raja'
6. sabr
7. shurk
8. wara'
9. zuhd
10. tawakkul
11.-12. ridaa wa' l-taslim
13. muraqaba
14.-15. mushasaba wa'l-musharata
16. mahabba
17.-18. mushahada wa'l - mu'ayana
19. ma' rifa
20. taqwa
21. istiqama
22. ikhlas
23. sidq
24. tuma' nina
25.-26. shawq wa'l-ishtiyaq
27. ghayra
28. futwwa
29. irada
30. murid
31. mujahada
32. walaya
33. hurriyya
34. 'ubudiyya
35. qana'a
36. 'afiya
37. yaqin
38. 'ilm al-yaqin 39. 'ayn al-yaqin 40. haqq al-yaqin
41. ni'ma
42. firasa
43. khuluq
44. jud 45. sakha' 46. ithar
47. faqr
48. dhikr
49. waqt
50. hal 51. maqam
52. qabd 53. bast
54. khawatir 55.waridat
56. nafs 57. ruh 58. sirr
59. nasr 60. ta'yid 61. 'isma
62. hidaya 63, rushd 64. tasdid
65. hikma
66. 'aql
67. tawhid
68. tafrid
69. ahadiyya 70. ihad 71. fardaniyya
72. wahdaniyya 73. infirad

74. haiqat al-dhat al-'aliyya
75. 'amaa
76. fanaa' 77. baqaa'
78. qudra 79. hikma
80. farq 81. jam'
82. hiss 83. ma'naa
84. mulk 85. malakut 86. jabarut
87. nasut 88. lahut 89. rahamut
90. tawajud 91. wajd 92. wijdan 93. wujud
94. dhawq 95. shurb 96. sukr 97. sahw
98. mahw 99. ithbat
100. sitr 101. tajalli
102. muhadara 103. mukashafa 104. musamarra
105. lawa'ih 106. lawami' 107. tawali'
108. -109. bawadit wa'l -hujum
110. talwin 111. tamkin
112. qurb 113. bu'd
114. shari'a 115. tariqa 116. haqiqa
117. dhat 118. sifat
119. anwar 120. asrar
121. -122. dama'ir wa'l-sara'ir
123. nafas
124. fikra 125. nazra
126. shahid
127. khamra 128. ka's 129. sharab
130. murid 131. faqir 132 malamati 133. muqarrab
134. 'ubbad 135. zuhhad 136. 'arifun

137. salihun 138. awliya' 139. budala' 140. nuqaba'
141. nujaba' 142. awtad 143. qutb

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